Friday, October 10, 2008

I'm was not on CNN

I was wondering why my blog stats spiked, the looney deranged lefties (some of you lefties are not deranged and have been thoughtful in your comments - thanks!!) were out in full force, and then I googled and found THIS. I knew it wasn't because I was popular. It does make me glad, I'm blogging incognito with no connection to my other blog as I really don't want any of these people showing up on my door step!

If you are visiting my blog because you thought you saw me, a 37 year old woman, on TV last night, you are wrong. Please visit

I have set the moderate comments on now until I go through and make sure there are no profane comments. I will leave any thought provoking comments and intelligent comments from the other "side."

I might even leave in the profane comments because it shows more about who YOU are than who I am.


Anonymous said...

I am glad to see that you started this website because I really think that there alot of americans voting without the facts. I personally will not vote for Obama because he does not have any love for this country. From the reports I have read on him he thinks that all for the symbols of or country (our flag, pledge of allgency, ect...) repersent war. Alot of women were looking for a woman to run for the white house and now we got one that I can actually feel a connection too. One that knows what the everyday woman goes though on a day to day bases. Thank you for supporting Palin and giving us some where to post our opions.

Anonymous said...

Found ya through M4SP.
Keep up the good work!
Press On,

cumiskeyfamilyblog said...

an email I sent to you because they won't post my comments on moms4sarahpalin
I hope you will post it here.

By the way, it isn't Christian of you to use terms like "Obots"
You need to take yourself to task, if you are to call yourself a Christian, publically.

I, as a rational, Christian, higher-degreeed-but-always-home-when-my-kids-are-home, Southern Baptist mother and educator, have left at least five comments, very well put (I am a published author) comments which haven't been posted on the blog. I challenge you as Christian mothers to go to the Word. "Judge not lest ye be judged" is for real. Sarah Palin doesn't behave like a Christian, and you are harming the faith by supporting her publicly. She bashes others, and she lies. Her talk is smoke and mirrors. A Christian should never attack others. It is inappropriate, and if you are a true Christian you know this, to question one person who claims to be a believer, Obama, (because he is black? because he is a Democrat?) and take another, McCain, at his word.
You ladies hit me as new Christians. While I am thrilled I will see you in Heaven (notice I take you at your word that you are Christians, as it is only for Him to judge), I ask you to go in prayer to the Lord regarding gossip. Go to the word. See what he has to say about judging others, and the evils of the tongue.
My Democratic party membership represents in a public way some of the best precepts regarding my faith in Jesus. Lifting up others. Caring for the least of my brethern. A servant's heart. All of the proverbs---taking care of the prodigal with a joyful heart. Being the good Samaritan. Republicans do not do these things. Democrats do.
As an older Christian, I tried to blog my wisdom, but I never saw any of my posts. I have started churches in my time, raised children mine and not my own, served in my church, and spend much time on my knees. It is not difficult to see that narrow-mindness, judging, and supporting killing are anti-Biblical. Period. Your Lord would not have you bomb your enemies. He instructs you to love them. That doesn't involve killing them. That doesn't involve rationalizing. He tells you to love them. It takes much study and time in prayer to understand these things. I do not believe you, or Sarah Palin, as Republicans do. We as Christians are instructed to ALWAYS serve and care for the least of these. Yet, republicans are against social programs which do exactly that. Separation of church and state isn't biblical. Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. You ladies need to actually understand this. My treasure, including, it is my prayer, my treasure as a citizen of this great nation, needs to be where it serves my breathern.
So, with not posting the blogs I have posted, I sense fear of freedom of speech, and closed-mindedness. Not Christian behavior, ladies. If you are truly in the word, you've NOTHING to fear, and peace in your hearts! Not politicians, not the economy, not anything.
I will be interested to see if you are able to respond to me, and I'll keep all of you in my prayers, specifically and by name, to have your hearts opened to His Word.
God bless you.

moms4palin said...

@ arealchristianmom - You are on the wrong blog. Please go here to post comments to the CNN Moms. I was not one of them.