Saturday, October 11, 2008

You go Girl!

I was finally able to watch the CNN video of the other group of ladies Moms 4 Sarah Palin. Wow, they sound like a great group of ladies - ones I would love to have a "snack" with. (Humor from the video clip if you missed it!!!)

I'm not sure why so many of you are offended by them? They did great and said nothing offensive about your candidate in their interview. If it bothers you that people have different opinions than you, you really shouldn't be so close minded!

(Please remember that a 4 hour interview was broken down into 4 minutes so much of their conversation was edited out.)

If you missed it, you can see it HERE.


Anonymous said...

hello, first to be upfront i am a obama supporter. i saw your cnn piece the other night. i don't agree with any of your politics whatsoever but i will not call you names or trash your fellow mccain/palin supporters. we can respectfully disagree on policies without trashing each other. i think the BOTH sides are at fault on the heat of the race for the white house. the wife and i already voted by absentee for obama but we both wish you godspeed.

Anonymous said...

i am so sorry about the website mixup with the cnn interview of the palin ladies. but still good luck and godbless you. may the best person wins in 24 days.

Socks said...

Right on, Tammy! What scares the fringe element who leave such hate-filled comments on blogs like this one is that they don't understand Palin's appeal, so they don't know how to defeat her. So they stomp their feet that show their true colors. So be it.

Tammy's group of friends is a snapshot of women all across this country who are thrilled to have a real woman on the political scene at last.

Anonymous said...

I agree with socks. Palin has them running scared because she is a real person. I don't want a slick talking, snake like man in office. He is educated but that doesn't make one a good person. I can quickly reference to a certain professor that came after military families. You can have an education and still be ignorant. To pull the "if you don't vote for me you are racist," card makes you more ignorant that someone that is actually racist. I am a minority and believe it is degrating and demoralizing in it self to use this as an excuse. This man is scary and I believe Palin is a real person. She is willing to take this without using the you are sexist card. Go Palin! She is a bigger person than the other minority running.